Hardcopy, Paperback and Digital Versions!

Crossing The Rubicon is available in both hard copy version and digital versions. You can order directly from Amazon and receive a hard copy or Kindle version by clicking the image below.

Hard Copy Version - $19.95
Paperback Version - $12.95
Kindle - $2.99
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To find out about the special iPad iTunes version complete with interactive maps, location information and additional details, click here,
Crossing the Rubicon iPad Version

We also have a version for your iPhone or iTouch
Crossing the Rubicon iPhone Version

Grab The Audio Book Version NOW Available!

Finally Crossing The Rubicon is NOW available as an audio book! Check it out on Amazon by clicking the image below.

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Spanish Language Version Available

Crossing The Rubicon is NOW available in Spanish hard copy versions or digital versions. you can order directly from Amazon and receive a hard copy or Kindle version by clicking the image below.

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Only $12.99 plus S&H